TI CC2530DK – Contiki OS – Internet of Things

This blog post is an effort to create a one stop information for starting off your Contiki project with cc2530DK.

There is enough information already available on Github wiki. This post is more than an extension to have all information under one place and as usual my way of documenting my projects!

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Zigbee© implementation using Zstack and SmartRF 05 Evaluation Kit

Apparatus: CC2540 Development Kit

  1. 2 SmartRF05 Evaluation Boards
  2. 2 CC2530 Boards
  3. 1 CC2531 USB stick
  4. Raspberry Pi is used instead of computer for deploying this project.

Required Software:

  1. SmartRF studio
  2. SmartRF Flash Programmer
  3. Ztool and its sample programs
  4. IAR Embedded workbench – Compiler for Zstack

Recommended Hardware: (which I use)

  1. FDTI cable 3v3 (2 would be nice)
  2. USB Hub
  3. CC Debugger