All about Google WiFi Positioning System

WiFi Positioning system is a new way to get precise localisation. It is used in conjunction with GPS to achieve better accuracy. Read through to know how there is a slight privacy intrusion and how you can take care of your privacy issues. I am also sharing some interesting things about this WiFi Positioning System (WPS) that Google offers through its developer API.

It is interesting that Google asks for you to sign up for logging the access point (AP) information in your android phone. Well if you knew when and where it is asked, you will surely hit NO!

They collect your AP information mostly without clear notice and then you have to pay to use the API to access this information. Atleast this is what Google does.

Well some digging says it is just done periodically. My conclusions of how AP information tagged with location is logged are as follows

  • It is somewhere connected to location reporting from Google Location Services.
  • It could be just the localisation data that is sent to Google to while you are using your apps that require location.

So Google actually logs all the Access Point (AP) a device connects to and with the help of GPS it is geolocated and the info is tagged and sent to Google servers!

How to opt out of this WPS?

Zigbee© implementation using Zstack and SmartRF 05 Evaluation Kit

Apparatus: CC2540 Development Kit

  1. 2 SmartRF05 Evaluation Boards
  2. 2 CC2530 Boards
  3. 1 CC2531 USB stick
  4. Raspberry Pi is used instead of computer for deploying this project.

Required Software:

  1. SmartRF studio
  2. SmartRF Flash Programmer
  3. Ztool and its sample programs
  4. IAR Embedded workbench – Compiler for Zstack

Recommended Hardware: (which I use)

  1. FDTI cable 3v3 (2 would be nice)
  2. USB Hub
  3. CC Debugger

Setting up your first psychoPy application in Eclipse

I believe you have already ready the previous post about setting up the environment. if not do it here! <PSYCHOPY APP DEVELOPMENT IN PYTHON USING ECLIPSE AND PYDEV>

So, now you are for sure ready with the environment and already created your first application on python. But psychoPy? yes, its not a big deal, you are 80% complete from creating an application in psychoPy already.

These following steps hit the rest 20%.

Set up the interpreter to be psychoPy. This enables you to use psychoPY API. Continue reading “Setting up your first psychoPy application in Eclipse”

PsychoPy app development in Python using Eclipse and pyDev

Install and setup psychoPy and using Eclipse and python for development of applications. I developed an application that used a eye tracker. It was a great idea to use python to interface the eye tracker with the routine which was created using psychoPy.

Creating a new pydev module to start coding
Creating a new pydev module to start coding

In this post, it is only about installing psychoPy, Python, Eclipse, pyDev for Eclipse and starting a new project. Creating your first psychoPy application with its specification will be in the following post.

Continue reading “PsychoPy app development in Python using Eclipse and pyDev”