Table of Contents
Binary tree
A binary tree is a
currying is the technique of translating the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into evaluating a sequence of functions, each with a single argument. – wikipedia
High-order function
a higher-order function is a function that does at least one of the following: takes one or more functions as arguments (i.e. procedural parameters), returns a function as its result. All other functions are first-order functions. In mathematics, higher-order functions are also termed operators or functionals.
Event loop
The event loop got its name because of how it’s usually implemented, which usually resembles:
while (queue.waitForMessage()) {
queue.waitForMessage() waits synchronously for a message to arrive if there is none currently.
A very interesting property of the event loop model is that JavaScript, unlike a lot of other languages, never blocks. Handling I/O is typically performed via events and callbacks, so when the application is waiting for an IndexedDB query to return or an XHR request to return, it can still process other things like user input.
When a function is created in JavaScript, the JavaScript engine adds a prototype property to the function. This prototype property is an object (called a prototype object) that has a constructor property by default. constructor property points back to the function on which
Encapsulation refers to enclosing all the functionalities of an object within that object so that the object’s internal workings (its methods and properties) are hidden from the rest of the application. This allows us to abstract or localizes
Can you draw an algorithm?