in C, Contiki-Os, Electronics, Programming, Ubuntu, Wireless Sensor Networks

Testing Contiki-os with the first program using CC2530 / CC2531

If you had followed the tutorials on the myContiki page, you should be able to fire up your VM with Ubuntu – Contiki installed with the right version of SDCC and cured all dependencies for it to compile without errors.

The steps are simple, used your command line and navigate to the folder contiki.

in that goto the examples folder and you can find cc2530dk

cd contiki/examples/cc2530dk && make

simply give the command “make” should make all the programs for cc2530 chip. There is another folder which contains the cc2531. As per my tests, the hello world example should work for cc2531 if you change the contents of the following

  • makefile

Flashing the hex on the chip is simple using the CCDebugger or the evaluation board. You need the SmartRF Flash Programmer either ways. The tutorial for flashing is found in the wiki of Contiki-Os and it should be easy, or hit me up and lets fire up your project together. The output should be something like the following in the terminal if you open it using a terminal emulator.

cc2531 USB Dongle Out: 0x(some random number)

I use gtkterm. Get it with the following command.

sudo apt-get install gtkterm

Open the program using the following command so that it has access to the serial ports. Open the right port connections since it might change if you use the FTDI cable for the cc2530 or use  ttyUSBACM0 for the cc2531 USB Dongle.

sudo gtkterm

this is your first program using the contiki-os on the cc2530dk.

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